Friday, April 27, 2007

"Sperm Agenda"?
Oh. My. Gawd.

Power of the penis, baby. Power of the penis...

Women use the JackRabbit at work?

UPDATE: YouTube pulled the original video... this is another episode.
"He can give you a mouthful of sperm and a rectum full of sperm, but he won't give you no light bread [at Long John Silver's]." Classic!


Mike said...

LOL! That's a joke right? It has to be... OMG!!!

Chris said...

Sadly, no. Although, I have no intention of ever watching a full episode of "Vagina Power".

Michele said...

Whoa!! That is, um, amazing. How did you find that, Chris? I know you're not out there searching YouTube for "vagina," are you? :-)

I like how the other woman latched onto the name of the "jack rabbit." "When I was a little girl, growing up in the country, a jack rabbit was something that hopped around from here to there, from there to here." And what is she holding in her lap? I kept thinking they were flash cards and she was going to start flipping them and one would be a picture of a giant penis. No such luck. ;-)

I'm confused about where the bottom of my vagina is... Apparently this is important.

"All penises are not created equal." Amen, sister, amen. :-)