Monday, March 26, 2007

Isn't Treason an Impeachable Offense?

It's seems the press has finally gotten some balls and the talk of impeaching Dubya is starting to get some traction. Let's hope it does.

I think it would be perfect for Hillary to run on a platform of "restoring dignity to the White House."

1 comment:

Trigve said...

Treason would work, seems so minor compared to Iraq though. Everyday I read that 50-100 people are killed. One studay places the Iraqi death toll at 650,000! Bush lied to start this unecessary war (or used the worse judgment possible) and the complete absence of planning has led to a disaster on an almost unimaginable scale. If that's not an impeachable offence I don't know what is. Oh, that's right, lying about sex!