I was checking my email today and I noticed a strange response to a post I made in 2006(!) about Anderson Cooper being gay. Well, this woman--Carol Cooper (no relation that I know of to Anderson)--took umbrage at my calling Anderson Gay. She came up with some rather compelling and stereotypical arguments for why Anderson could not be gay.
Feel free to read the initial post and my response to dear, sweet, deluded Carol. Carol, I think you should meet this lady or this lady and they might set you (ahem) "straight..."
Carol can quote page and paragraph of a complete stranger's book? Creepy.
Really, Carol, you need to get out more honey. There is a whole great (very gay) world out there waiting for you!
Cooper's agent is named Carol Cooper. Maybe he is thinking about getting married because he isn't getting any younger and this is his way of introducing his girfriend to the world.
Watch the ratings slide! Greta Van Susteren better pray it is true!
Don't tell Carol about Shepard Smith: http://tabloidbaby.blogspot.com/2007/11/time-for-shepard-smiths-coming-out.html
There must be some truth to it because bloggers were reporting sightings of him with this girl in Pasadena on AskMen.com back in March and Cooper was in California in March for no apparent work related reason. They even described her as a young, thin, exotic looking blonde. The one guy said he and his wife saw them holding hands on a corner and he spoke to Cooper.
There are no shy gay guys? I thought the internet was invented to serve shy gay guys...
Most the dudes I know who played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons went on to become serious drug fiends. Does that mean The Coopster smokes dope?
Actually, Carol accidentally proved that Anderson is gay when she included that quote from his book. Honey, no straight man notices a girl's highlights!
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