In God We Trust
I know this is a little late, but I’m a procrastinator, so you’ll just have to bear with me. This “one nation, under God” debate is bugging the crap out of me. Do we not have enough to worry about in this world than to worry about some line in a pledge… to a flag? Not the country, mind you, but a friggin’ flag.
In saying the Pledge of Allegiance, a strictly optional function, one has several choices if they disagree with the wording of the Pledge:
1) Don’t say the pledge. Very simple: just don’t say it. “I disagree with it.” “My religion forbids it.” “I don’t do pledges.” Whatever. You don’t have to say it, it isn’t a requirement. I’ve known kids growing up that didn’t say it and that was fine. Sure they were weird, but it wasn’t because they didn’t say the Pledge, it was because they claimed they were aliens here to observe our ways.
2) Don’t say “under God.” Again, VERY simple. You just say, “one nation [pause], with liberty, and justice for all.” Unless you have a problem with liberty and justice, and then you can leave those words out too. If you also have a problem with “one nation,” you should go back to number 1.
3) Say something else. Can you do that? Can you make up your own words? Sure! It’s a free country! Besides Happy Birthday, no one (and I mean NO ONE) can sing any song completely without changing the words, either by choice or ignorance. “’Scuze me, while I kiss this guy.” Haven’t we heard that comment about Hendrix’ “Kiss the Sky”? Heck, I’m not even sure if that’s the right title—but you know what I mean, so that’s okay. Go ahead and say “one nation, starring me…” or “one nation, I’m not wearing pants…” or whatever you feel is appropriate. If someone questions you, show them the Bill of Rights and note your right of Freedom of Speech.
4) Make the country stop saying the part that you don’t like by suing. See, this is where I’m different than most folks. I don’t feel that just because I don’t like something, that it should be cast aside without any thought of how others might feel. I’m not into rap music, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist… okay, bad example. It shouldn’t exist. Jeez, that music sucks… Uh… Christianity. I’m not big on Christianity (except for Christmas, because I get presents and time off of work), but I’m not going to tell everyone else that they can’t be Christian, just because I may have some issues with it.
When did the consideration of the one outweigh the values or wishes of the many?
It’s not like “under God” is specifically saying “under the Christian God (Yahweh) who you should bow down and pray to…” No. It’s saying God. Your God. Whomever you believe in. Remember, the Bill of Rights states “Freedom of Religion” not from religion. “under God” is who you make it to be.
“Under God” is who we put our faith in. The higher power or non-higher power that we believe in and chose to help us in our life. If you are a Christian, then it’s the God of the bible. If you are Muslim, God is Allah. If you are Buddhist… it’s Buddah. If you are a Pagan; Ghia—Mother Earth. If you are an atheist and only believe in you… guess what? That “under God” is you.
Just as I don’t like the Christian Right telling me that if I’m not Christian, I’m not patriotic; I resent those that tell me I can’t have religion within the government. The President is sworn in holding a bible. When we take an oath in court, we swear to tell the truth, the whole truth or so help us God. It’s who we put our faith in, people. Get it?
Religion and our beliefs are a significant part of our lives it carries it through everything we do. People need to relax and let others live their lives as they choose. They need to stop being so offended at everything and get on with their lives. Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing to offend you and take care of what you are doing to not offend others… or at least understand what it is that bothers them.
If we continue this road of one side wanting to strip out all references to religion and the other stripping away anything joyful and fun, we’ll be living in a mighty boring world.
And God help us if that happens…
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