Don’t Kill the Joke Teller…
As you may have read, I’m going on vacation next week. Yes, I’m traveling close to the Evil Empire, the Red-Controlled Washington, DC.
So, I sent an email to my bosses, reminding them that I was going to be away for a week. As a side-note/joke I said, “…in fact, one week from my sending this letter I should be at a Red Sox game… or in a bar. Either way it’s a win/win situation.”
My one boss that actually is a Red Sox fan said nothing. No comment, no “lucky you,” nothing.
The rest, apparently, are rabid Yankees fans.
I’m practically getting hate mail! “You like the SOX?! You SUCK!” was the nicest of the replies. They walk into my office, look at me with disgust and leave without saying a word. None of that is unusual, except usually they look at me with disgust and say, “hello.”
Two others think I’m an alcoholic. “What bar,” one asked incredulously.
“I dunno.”
“So,” he said, pausing to choose his words carefully, “you just hang out in bars?”
“No… it was a joke.”
“You don’t go to bars… at all?” Okay, now he was incredulous. I mean really incredulous.*
“No… I go to bars, just not a lot. I was joking.”
“You think drinking makes you cool?” He said, suddenly becoming my father.
I decided to tell the truth, “Look,” I leaned forward so he knew I was serious, “I’m not a looker, so I need all the help I can get. If finding a drunk hottie in a bar is the only way I’m getting some, then I’m getting some… so back the F’ off!”
“Oh,” he said, feeling guilty and embarrassed. He briefly apologized and scampered** from the room.
Now, normally, one wouldn’t react to my previous comment in such a way, so I can only assume that the words I spoke were slightly different from what I just wrote. I think they were along the lines of “I’m an alcoholic—and rather than say I was going back for the national AA convention, I say I’m in a bar and everything thinks ‘how fun.’ I’m just trying to salvage my dignity… one. day. at. a. time.”
Yeah, I’m gonna burn. I know it.
*Man, I’m so glad I had looked up that word this morning… it’s really come in handy.
** I like 'scampered,' too. Although, I did not need to look it up.
*** Uh, there is no asterisk in the text for this, but I do want to note that I AM definitely copying the asterisks motif so brilliantly achieved by An Intern In New York (his blog ended last week and this is my tribute/plagiarism of his work. God Speed, Intern Andy!
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