Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"Forgive me father, for I have sinned..."

Dear Reader,* I present to you Father Whatawaste. I wouldn't mind a little "inappropriate groping in the confessional" with him, if you know what I mean.**

This guy can't be real... I mean, I know he's a real person, but no priest should ever be that good looking, there would be way too many sinful thoughts amongst the parishioners.

I had a whole host--no pun intended--of things to say about him and the scandals of late, but good taste*** kept me from including them. I don't need any more reasons to burn in hell than I've already got...

Still... the next time I'm in Confession, I'm going to be imagining Father Hot-a-licious on the other side of the screen... naked.****

*I hope there's more than one of you out there...

**You do.


****Yep. I'm definitely going to burn...


Miladysa said...

There is something basically wrong with me - I think that is the hottest picture you have posted so far! What a feast!

I have a story to tell about a gorgeous Priest, may be I will post it one day :)

Chris said...

Frankie... I don't get to Rome that often. Only been once--and my throat was SO sore after (ahem) because of the pollution in the air. American priests are not that hot (some are cute, but not smokin' HOT.

Miladysa: please tell us your naughty story!

Boz said...

Pretty priests. It's not just us, people. S&TC got there too. Damn. We're all on the express train to hell. Choo-choo!

And in relation to another post, I'm guessing you've seen THAT photo of Jude? We may not have heard from him much since the oscars, but we have seen a lot.