THIS TEST IS A SHAM!! I'm not 10% straight. I'm not even .0000000001% straight (unless you count all those years in which I was a closeted homo and the unfortunate sex with girls that occurred). And I certainly was not 10% straight two nights ago when I was having sex with that boy. I think the test was made up by a straight guy. I would spit on this test but I don't feel like cleaning my computer screen!
Whether I topped or bottomed (or possibly both!?!?!) is between me the boy and the FBI. For what its worth, I don't think I would have been considered straight (if two boys working over each others wieners and booties is ever considered "straight") least not the whole night.
That being said, I must say I'm mortified that you would bring attention to my sex life here in the comments on your blog! I certainly never discuss these matters on my blog as they are very private.
But, if I were to post such things on my blog, the lack of details about that night might be owed to the fact that the boy just might have been one of my friend's ex's...but I would never admit it if that was true and will vehemently deny such (truthful) rumors should such action need to be taken!
EGL: I live vicariously through others--if you're gettin' some, I wanna know about it. Even the tiny tidbits that you share are enjoyable (but explicit details would be quite lovely. Please, share with the group. We're listening...)
Sorry Chris sweetie, a lady never reveals her secrets! And trust me, if your imagination is as vast and hilarious as your writing, I had a much more exciting time there than I did in reality!
Chris bakes, bartends, walks dogs, makes a lovely wedding gift, slices & dices, lifts & separates, cooks in only seconds, bends, folds, mutilates, dances, prances, soars, bores, snores, files, piles, dials, kneads reeds and beads, floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, pickles prickly peppers, sells sea shells with Suzy by the sea shore, chucks wood with woodchucks, lifts stains effortlessly, is new AND improved, is the brother of three, the uncle of five, the father of none, and a direct descendant of a guy named Lazard. He was married in November 2015 to a handsome and amazing Frenchman named Frédéric.
Link Latte 285
To Scale! The Solar System - [one of the best videos]
The Hardest Gear In The World That Will Take Forever to Spin - [wow video]
Welcome to Scuba K...
7 Reasons Why You Should Buy Vintage Clothing
Did you know that the average person spends over $160 a month on clothing?
Depending on how you shop, and what you shop for, you can really stretch
that ...
Moving to a new electronic home...
This week marks the tenth anniversary of Just Humor Me, which started back
in February of 2005. I'm as surprised as you that this blog has been
around for...
I guess this excludes me then.
I did it anyway, that's my nature!
Surprise Surprise! I am the 'all round cute gay guy'. Just wait until I tell Sir H! Perhaps not :)
THIS TEST IS A SHAM!! I'm not 10% straight. I'm not even .0000000001% straight (unless you count all those years in which I was a closeted homo and the unfortunate sex with girls that occurred). And I certainly was not 10% straight two nights ago when I was having sex with that boy. I think the test was made up by a straight guy. I would spit on this test but I don't feel like cleaning my computer screen!
EGL... You slept with a girl? EWWWWWWWW!
The boy you were with the other night: did you top? Some might say that's "playing straight." (but not me, I'd never say that).
Oh... and congrats on getting laid. Good for you. I'm not jealous at all... [mumble mumble mumble...]
Oh, Miladysa... you're adorable no matter if you're a straight woman or a gay man. Does that make any sense? It doesn't, does it?
Brian... S&M? Call me, okay?
Whether I topped or bottomed (or possibly both!?!?!) is between me the boy and the FBI. For what its worth, I don't think I would have been considered straight (if two boys working over each others wieners and booties is ever considered "straight") least not the whole night.
That being said, I must say I'm mortified that you would bring attention to my sex life here in the comments on your blog! I certainly never discuss these matters on my blog as they are very private.
But, if I were to post such things on my blog, the lack of details about that night might be owed to the fact that the boy just might have been one of my friend's ex's...but I would never admit it if that was true and will vehemently deny such (truthful) rumors should such action need to be taken!
EGL: I live vicariously through others--if you're gettin' some, I wanna know about it. Even the tiny tidbits that you share are enjoyable (but explicit details would be quite lovely. Please, share with the group. We're listening...)
Sorry Chris sweetie, a lady never reveals her secrets! And trust me, if your imagination is as vast and hilarious as your writing, I had a much more exciting time there than I did in reality!
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