Monday, February 13, 2006


Poor dick...

February has not had much love for Dick: First, Scooter Libby is rolling over on him about the "leaks" coming out of the White House. Mike Brown continued the way of Scooter and Jack Abramoff by informing Congress that the White House knew of the levee breaks the night they happened and they simply ignored the problem. Then the report on blame for the Katrina disaster supported Brown's claims by putting much of the blame on the White House. And now, in a deliciously awkward moment Dick "I'm all for the NRA" Cheney has shot some guy while hunting. Did he think it was Scooter? A member of PETA? A Democrat?

Well, if there's a silver lining to this, it is this: he shot a Republican.*

One almost wonders if God is flinging as much crap as he can at these guys so something sticks to them... or they get buried under it all.

*I didn't say silver lining for him...

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