Monday, August 28, 2006

Check. This. Out.

Listen to this. This is why some talent remains hidden...


JPRESTI said...

that was painful.

Michele said...

Okay, for the first minute I thought you seriously wanted us to listen to the entire song. Then I realized there's no way you could be such a weirdo. So I clicked it off. J is right---that was painful. He thinks he's good, though, right?

Mike said...

His talent must still be hiding, becuase he obviously hasn't found it yet.

Chris said...

Michele, what do you mean? I listened to it five times! Painful, but it made me laugh! I'm in Alaska now, no sign of the guy...

Michele said...

Weirdo! :-)

Hey, are you really in Alaska? That's awesome! Can't wait to read about your trip.