Some People are Just Unlucky (i.e. ME)I started driving when I was 18. Yes, I procrastinated. The whole thing scared me: 2 ton vehicle + “you can kill someone” + “Red Asphalt” = scared to drive. Eventually, I got over it and drove without incident for over 23 years.
Then, in 2005 some idiot came flying out of a parking lot, hit me and ruined my perfect record. After filing claims and going for a month without my car, I finally got my car back. But I’ve been forever a little skittish driving. I kept waiting for someone else to smash into me.
So it surprised me a few months ago when I was driving home from a booty call and merging onto a busy road in SF when I rear-ended a woman!
Never a good thing... It cost me $800 and I’m sure my insurance will go up, so I’m even more skittish about driving.
And then
today happened…
As I was driving home, traffic on Page Mill Road was very slow, as a bus rear-ended a car. It looked as if they were stuck together. It stayed with me the whole way home: you never know when someone isn’t paying attention and they run right into you. I did it, others do all the time.
There are four lanes in the exit off of 880 South onto Hamilton Avenue: (starting from the left) Lane #1 is a left only turn, Lane #2 is a left only turn, Lane #3 can go left or straight, and Lane #4 is right turn only. I was in Lane #3 going left. Crusher was in Lane #2, deciding that he wanted to go straight…
Quick quantum physics lesson: two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time.
The bastard hit me. For your viewing pleasure, a satellite photo of the intersection is below. Note the lanes are clearly marked, note how I’m turning and how he’s hitting me! My insurance is going to skyrocket (if they don’t drop me) and I’m sure this will be another point on my driving record—all crap I don’t need.
Tomorrow I think I’ll take the train to work, because I don’t think my poor car can take anymore…