Thursday, June 07, 2007

What. The. F*ck?

Paris Hilton was released to house arrest today, after serving only five days of her 45 day sentence. I guess money and infamy makes you above the law.
If this happened to me, my ass would be in jail. Yours too. One can only hope that the "medical reasons" stated for her release were that they did not want her to infect the other inmates with whatever skanky diseases she most probably is carrying.

She is only a couple more years of hard partying and bad plastic surgery before she looks like this:

In a way, I do feel bad for her: she obviously has no one around her who really cares for her. If she did, they would have her serve out her full sentence in jail so she could learn a serious lesson. She will not change--and if (when?) she kills someone with her drunk driving, she had better go to prison--not jail, but PRISON. I'm talking San Quentin.

She has no respect for the law or anyone else--including herself. This will end badly, of that, I am certain.

1 comment:

JPRESTI said...

5 DAYS?! She got there very late Monday night, and left early Thursday morning. Try 2 days.

I think I will go home from work early today with an undisclosed illness.