The Future is NOW
Wallpaper that lights up a room... finally, the future is here and flying cars are just around the corner! Well, maybe not the flying cars (damn!) but this way-cool wallpaper is available. Designer Jonas Samson came up with the idea for his postgraduate degree (I'm assuming he got his degree in Fabulousness of Design... he's Dutch, it's possible). If price is no object, then you will be able to afford it.
We are on our way to robots doing all our work, pills for meals, and teleportation!
Muchos thanks to Scooter for sending me this...
Link Latte 285
To Scale! The Solar System - [one of the best videos]
The Hardest Gear In The World That Will Take Forever to Spin - [wow video]
Welcome to Scuba K...
10 months ago
I kinda love this!!! But of course, price is an object for me. My poor assed life. :)
Yeah, price is an object for me, too. God bless those credit cards! Um, no... hate the credit cards... hate them (well, the ever-increasing interest rates).
I'm sure Target will have a version in the not too distant future... God Bless Target!!!
Cool idea!
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