Come Join My Birthday Pity Party!
Today is my birthday... I'm 42. Good Lord, I was hoping for so much more by this age. When I was a kid, I used to think of what I would be like when I was older. I turned 36 in the year 2000 and that was sort of the benchmark for me growing up: "What will I be like at 36?"
I thought I'd be married (ha!--remember, I was a kid...) and that I'd have a really cool job like, oh, managing an office at some cool company like IBM, or something. Yeah, that was the dream... (remember, it was the 70's and that was a cool dream. I never said it was a GROOVY dream, just a cool one--I was raised by Republicans, so my view of the world is skewed.)
And my birthday's would be these wild and fun celebrations and all my (hundreds) of friends would be there--it would be wild.
It all flashed on me in the middle of my SafeServ sanitation class tonight as I was trying to stay awake--it's interesting, but I'm tired.* There I was, single me sitting in a class wondering what turn did I make that brought me here? Sure, I feel my life is finally on track again, but when the fuck did it get so off track?
Needless to say, there was no surprise party or any other such "event" for my birthday... Oh, poor me--Lebanon is in ruins, Israel is attacking everyone, Iraq could not be any closer to a civil war if Abe Lincoln were president and I'm feeling sorry for myself. At least I have my sense of perspective: it's all about me!
Or, it could be because, in my state of self pity I came home, opened up a bottle of my delicious** bottle of Limocello and, after two glasses, I am feeling no pain. Happy birthday to me, indeed!
*No, really, it is interesting. You're reading about a man who, after taking this class, will never again eat ground beef, never go to a fast-food restaurant, and will never look at an egg the same way again. But, you... you go on and enjoy your meal. I'll just prepare for your inevitable doom....
**If I do say so myself--and I do. Damn, this shit is g-o-o-o-d! Mmmmm... lemony-alcohol.
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Welcome to Scuba K...
1 year ago
Awwwww... Happy Birthday, kid.
Happy 42! Enjoy it now. The numbers just get higher. 50 is just 2 years away and I am already freaking out. ack!
Happy belated Birthday, Chris! I can't believe I missed the big day, since wasn't it just a couple of years ago we celebrated your 40th in Vegas? God, the memories---that was such an awesome night. You sound a little sad, though, this year. You're not sad, are you? Tell your friend Michele all about it.....
Happy belated birthday! If it makes you feel better Hot Toddy and I drank yesterday (not that it had anything to do with your birthday but we can pretend!) :-)
Oh, EGL... I read your Monday blog post--you got lucky on my birthday! If I can't get lucky on my birthday, at least someone I like did. But, in the future, remember it's MY birthday, so I expect a little someting-something. Toddy gets enough--so share the wealth good buddy.
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