Gentlemen, You May Thank Me with Twenties & Fifties
CNN Health is reporting that “Fellatio May Significantly Decrease the Risk of Breast Cancer in Women”. Merry Christmas!
“But, Honey… I’m only thinking of you and your health…”
Sorry, ladies...
CORRECTION: A bunch of fun-killers have noted that this is a fake news story. Which amuses me even more because I pulled it from the Google News page. Man, was I sucked in by this (no pun intended). Next you're going to tell me that those penis growing pills don't work...
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To Scale! The Solar System - [one of the best videos]
The Hardest Gear In The World That Will Take Forever to Spin - [wow video]
Welcome to Scuba K...
10 months ago
4 comments: almost got me on that one.
Dude, it's NOT a joke. That's CNN Health. It's true... for reals.
Actually, it's not... Sorry!
Those guys out in front of your house with pitch forks and torches are there to see you.
It fooled Google News as well... I pulled it from that page.
Fished in!
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